Home > ENSP 20 years Anniversary awards – May 2017, Athens, Greece
ENSP 20 years Anniversary awards – May 2017, Athens, Greece
Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Network, ENSP marked strong commitment and great achievements of ENSP members and friends throughout the years with two awards ceremonies taking place in Athens during the closing of ENSP International Conference on 26 May 2017 and at ENSP-ERS celebration of World No Tobacco Day 2017 in Press Club Brussels.
Sibylle Fleitmann, former Secretary General
Albert Hirsch, first ENSP President
Pierre Bartsch, former ENSP Treasurer
Goran Boethius, former ENSP Board member
Robert Hudson, former ENSP Board member
Friedrich Wiebel, former ENSP Board member
Andrew Hayes, outstanding ENSP supporter, founder of EPHA
Elisabeth Tamang, former ENSP President
Luke Clancy, former ENSP President
Panagiotis Behrakis, former ENSP President and member of the ENSP Scientific Committee