March: Kidney and Colon Cancers Awareness Month

Kidney Cancer

Cigarette smoking is a well-established risk factor for renal cell carcinoma (RCC), the predominant kidney cancer type. According to the US Surgeon General and the International Agency for Research on Cancer: “There is sufficient evidence from several cohort and case-control studies to support causality between tobacco smoking and development of RCC”.

Colon Cancer

Current smokers had a significantly higher risk for colon cancer. Smoking can also cause more aggressive polyps known as flat adenomas, and these can be present in both light and heavy smokers and an increased risk of dying from the disease. According to published data, people who have smoked are 23 percent more likely to die or have their cancer return within three years than non-smokers who had colon surgery. Also, people who smoked at the time of colon cancer diagnosis are 47 percent more likely to have a recurrence of colon cancer or to die from the disease. Family history has a significant influence on whether you are at higher risk for colon cancer. However, there is enough evidence to support that smoking puts you at equal risk for developing colon cancer as having a first-degree relative with colon cancer.

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